One Piece, written by Eiichiro Oda, is a widely popular and critically acclaimed series revolving around the protagonist, Monkey D. Luffy, who currently embarks on an exciting quest to become the King of the Pirates. One of the key ingredients of the show is the One Piece, a fabled treasure sought out by Pirates all over the world, including the Straw Hats.
The series kicks off the story through the words of Gol D. Roger, “One Piece? Why it's right where I left it… But you'll have to search the whole world to find it.” Interestingly, after a gaping one thousand episodes, still, the manga-anime series is yet to reveal the One Piece treasure or open hints on its true nature. However, on a closer look, you may discover subtle hints on the possible nature of the One Piece and its location.
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After watching a thousand episodes, it is no surprise that you may doubt the existence of One Piece; however, there are salient facts to prove that it exists and that the show is not based on some fancy idea or concept that turns out to be the One Piece. The One Piece treasure was introduced by Gol D. Roger, the former Pirate King, a widely-feared and revered Pirate who was the World Government's archenemy before his death. At the moment of execution, Gol D. Roger's world spurred pirates worldwide to embark on a treasure hunt for the fabled One Piece.
Gradually as the series progressed, the concept of Poneglyphs, which were special guides to the location of the One Piece, was introduced. To find the One Piece, four special Poneglyphs – the Red Poneglyphs must be found to unlock the mystery location. This was further bolstered by the fact that the Kozuki Clan was responsible