Despite her small frame, the Engineer in Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds is a force to reckon with when it comes to firearms. Her extensive knowledge of various weapons and combat tactics allows her to become a strategic powerhouse in the Ni no Kuni title, capable of both healing her comrades and dishing out damage in combat.
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While the Engineer resembles most ranged support units in an MMO, the Cross Worldsversion of the Class has a lot more nuance with regards to the flexibility of her build. In this regard, just how should players approach building their perfect Engineer in the Ni no Kuni title?
Serving as the archetypal AOE damage dealer in Cross Words, the Engineer specializes in dishing out attacks that affect wider areas compared to other Classes. This makes Engineers specially made to make mobs mushier and more prone to finishers from other Classes. At the same time, their AOE damage capabilities are greatly complemented by their improved ability to heal others, making them the premier defensive support Class in the game. Here are some tips for players who plan on creating an Engineer:
The Engineer’s Core Class Skills are designed specifically to devastate the battlefield from the context of area attacks, ensuring opponents are always deterred from advancing while allies get the necessary hits. The lack of damage output but extended range means the Engineer’s skills are designed to pave the way for allies to finish off opponents. Here are the Core Class Skills of the Engineer:
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The other Active Skills of the Engineer provide them with better ways of diversifying their combat options. These allow them to insert some necessary support opportunities to allies,