Recent builds of The War Within Alpha added new item icons with names, potentially suggesting new raid locations tied to Goblins and Ethereals in future patches.
Added in one of the earliest alpha builds for The War Within, this icon with the name 'inv_offhand_1h_goblinraid_d_01' certainly has a conspicuous name, but it is not the only thing indicating a potential goblin raid in the expansion's future patch stories. Joining our adventures in Khaz Algar is the Trade Prince of the Bilgewater Cartel, Monte Gazlowe. Off the back of his recent short story, Gazlowe joins us in the depths of the Nerubian kingdom of Azj-Kahet, where he not only helps us save our lost allies, butencounters a group of Venture Co. goblins who make mention of Undermine.
Undermine, for those not aware, is the underground capitol of all goblins, situated deep underneath their starting zone of Kezan. Although never seen in game, it has been mentioned periodically since Vanilla in various quests and item descriptions. It has little explicit description in canon, but its lore in the Warcraft RPG describes it as the center of all of goblinkind's trade empire, and a hub in which the Trade Princes of their cartels control their wealth and power.
While not pertaining directly to mention of a raid, other icons on the alpha may also indicate potential future storylines, with the Venture Co.'s presence resulting in a few instances where we come to blows with them. Among the loot we obtain from them are various goblin-themed icons, one of which has a rather notable top hat as its sigil. Such an icon has previously never been associated with the Venture Co., but rather notoriously associated with the Bilgewater's former trade prince, Jastor Gallywix. Gallywix was recently mentioned in Gazlowe's short story as well, where he is treated as one of the prominent reasons for the distrust most of the world feels towards goblins