King Kong is headed to Netflix for the first time in a brand-new animated series, aptly called Skull Island, the subtitle of the 2017 movie that kicked off Legendary's Monsterverse. The series will debut on June 22 and follows a group of explorers who rescue Annie, voiced by Mae Whitman (Avatar: The Last Airbender), from the ocean, unaware that this act of bravery will lead them to the mysterious Skull Island.
The rest of the cast includes Darren Barnett (Never Have I Ever, Samurai Rabbit: The Usagi Chronicles), Benjamin Bratt (Doctor Strange, Poker Face), and Betty Gilpin (Mrs. Davis, Glow). Check out the teaser trailer below.
Powerhouse Animation, the studio behind Netflix's Castlevania series, is helming the production. Brian Duffield (Underwater) executive produces as well as serves as the series' writer. Jacob Robinson also executive produces.
Skull Island is the first part of Legendary's plan to expand the Monsterverse, with a live-action Apple TV+ series along with the upcoming Godzilla vs. Kong sequel Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire. Details for the Apple TV+ show are minimal, but it's said to be focused on the inner workings of Monarch, the organization that monitors and keeps the monsters away from humans.
This will be Kong's first animated series in over 20 years.