Not to toot the horn too much, but damn, are we attached to quite the bundle right now. Scroll down a little, and you'll be met by The Nine and Above package for PC on Humble Bundle. The dollar-to-hours ratio is insane. Plus, there's the worthy cause and fuzzy feels attached to the purchase as well.
Today in Woah You've Aged news: some of us made our first visit to Tristram 26 years ago. To say that was love at first blight would be quite the understatement. The Diablo series has now grown into an industry behemoth whose modern entries can achieve $666 million in sell-through within 5 days of launch.
This Day in Gaming
Aussie birthdays for notable games and hardware
- Diablo (PC) 1997. Latest
- Wii Fit U (WiiU) 2013.
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