Some Mythic Tindral Sageswift hotfixes have been applied, and using Root Removal abilities now summons an add!
Emerald winds propel the player forward for 3 sec, granting them 31 Vigor.
Fire explodes from player's location when they land, dismounting them. This explosion hits within 10 yards and can strike Tindral Sageswift and Fiery Vines, inflicting 415688 Fire damage.
Tindral brings down a falling star towards the platform, inflicting 166275 Astral damage to all players and leaving behind Star Fragments.
Tindral blasts the platform with fire beams, inflicting 998047 Fire damage to players within 15 yards of the impact. This impact creates serveral moving beams which inflict 624752748239 Fire damage to players within them every 1 sec.
Flaming Trees sprout forth from Seed of Flame after 10 sec, inflicting 83138581964 Fire damage to players every 2 secHeroic, Mythic: .
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