Monster Hunter Rise takes the hunting experience to the next level, with the additions of new monsters, hunting areas, and items to gather in them. The Relic Records are just some of the items we must collect, to learn more about the colorful region surrounding Kamura Village
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As the second region we will visit in this game, the Frost Islands offer a freezing perspective on monsters like Somnacanth, Barioth and Goss Harag, and within its numerous caves and passages we will find these hidden swords.
Right in the center of the map there's a shrine protected by a wall that's impossible to climb. You may need to grab an extra Wirebug, and do a chain of jumps until you reach the top, where the Relic Record is.
From the Main Camp, go to this area full of snowy trees and climb up the biggest one. The Relic Record will await on top of the highest, huge branch.
Go to this cliff and look up, and you will notice a small opening you can climb up to. There is a hidden shrine at the end of the tunnel, with the Relic besides it.
If you head to the inner corner in this closed area, you will spot a small cave entrance. Walk inside and right at the end you will find an abandoned shrine with the sword next to it.
Climb up until you reach this Melynx camp, and place a bomb next to the cat-like snowman. Once it explodes, you will spot the Relic where the snowman once was.
Go to the abandoned ship, get on it, and climb up the mast. At the top of the mast you will find the Relic Record.
Head to the underground caves in the northern part of the map, and enter through the small entrance leading to this cave, where the Relic Record will await.
Climb up to the first level of this