Some Marvel fans may be hoping for Insomniac to create an actively connected video game universe with their upcoming Marvel games, but Marvel's Wolverine and Marvel's Spider-Man 2 are best left unconnected. The upcoming Marvel's Wolverine marks the first time in the recent generation of Marvel Games that the same developer has taken on two different superhero franchises, which opens the door to interconnecting the two franchises. However, Wolverine and Spider-Man may clash a bit too much to directly intersect — even if they are set in the same universe.
Both revealed at a 2021 PlayStation Showcase, Marvel's Wolverine and Marvel's Spider-Man 2 are two of the most anticipated games coming to the PlayStation 5. Spider-Man 2 in particular seems like it may be the only Marvel Games sequel coming to consoles for a while considering recent business shakeups that indicate a Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy sequel won't happen. Spider-Man seems to be cementing itself as a Marvel Games franchise mainstay, though, and Wolverine could get the same treatment.
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Despite their franchise status, Marvel's Spider-Man and Marvel's Wolverine should stay separate to allow each game to have different tones and tell unique stories. In particular, Wolverine may end up being more violent than Spider-Man games have previously been, which would make a crossover a bit problematic on the ESRB side of things. Outside of story and violence, combining technical aspects like combat systems may prove a crossover to be quite a challenge as well.
One major reason for keeping Insomniac's Spider-Men and Wolverine separate is the tone. Marvel's Wolverine will have a more mature tone than