Although only in its first couple of months, has already made it clear that the considerable roster of characters will continue to expand. As new hero shooters go, started with an unusually impressive roster size of thirty-three, significantly more than the 21 that offered at launch. A month later, The Invisible Woman and Mister Fantastic have already expanded the roster by two. Two more are coming forty-five days after Season One's start, with The Human Torch and The Thing rounding out The Fantastic Four's inclusion.
NetEase isn't aiming to keep up this pace with character additions, since adding four heroes every three months would be ludicrous to keep up, but it is aiming to add a character every forty-five days. That equates to two characters a season, and a lot of these characters have already been leaked, showing that NetEase's plans are more than just words. At this pace, won't be far off fifty characters by 2026, and it seems like it could be aiming for a MOBA-sized roster and model when it comes to how it treats its cast.
Provided that NetEase maintains this level of support and care for thealready impressive experience in years to come and can keep up with the pace of character additions it has set, the game could be more like rather than. Despite consolidating itself as the top dog of the MOBA genre by quite some distance,still enjoys constant, if a little erratic, character additions to a roster of 169 Champions. The 170th Champion, Mel Medara, will be joining soon, and the constant support has made a gaming juggernaut for over fifteen years.
Mel Medara originated from the hit animated series,, and Riot is making an effort to merge the lore of with 's.
may never reach those numbers, but if it wants to stay on top of the hero shooter genre with competitors like and Valve's on the horizon, constantly adding heroes to continually grow the cast might give it an edge. Unlike most other games, doesn't have to try to generate interest for its cast, since they