continues the saga of Ichiban Kasuga, heading up his second installment in the series formerly known as. Following up on Ichiban's introduction in and original series protagonist Kazuma Kiryu's brilliant reintroduction in , focuses on the dual heroes as they travel to Honolulu separately, but on the same mission: to find Ichiban's long-lost mother, Akane. The two eventually meet up and combine their efforts, discovering much more than they bargained for as they near the center of a seedy plot.
[Warning: This article contains spoilers for Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth.]
The party splits in two near the end of the game. Ichiban and allies Adachi, Joon-gi, Chitose, and Eric get the straight story from Bryce Fairchild, the Sage of the volunteer/religious organization Palekana. He explains how he schmoozed his way into claiming the sacred land of Nele Island for himself, operating with religious immunity. Calling it “,” he’s turned the island into a place where powerful people and countries alike can dump evidence of their dirtiest secrets — for a price. Now that they know all that, he refuses to let them leave.
Bryce may be the last foe Ichiban faces in, but Masataka Ebina is the true final boss. After defeating Bryce, and letting Chitose broadcast footage of his cave full of nuclear waste to the whole world, Ichiban and company return to Japan. There, Ichiban heads off after Eiji, who's also been implicated in the Nele Island plot. Meanwhile, Kiryu takes Saeko, Nanba, Tianyou, and Seonhee to confront Ebina at his office in, believe it or not, the Millennium Tower. Ebina is the acting chairman of the Seiryu Clan, and he's been expecting Kiryu.
Ebina monologues for a while about his backstory and his plans. He washes his hands of the Nele Island project and Palekana, claiming the whole endeavor was but a means to an end. He reveals that he has a badly-injured Sawashiro captive in his office as he explains his vendetta against the yakuza. Ebina is the illegitimate son