A Kingdom Hearts fan recently designed a few Star Wars-themed Keyblades, drawing inspiration from the recent tease of Kingdom Hearts 4 featuring Endor. Throughout Square Enix's long-running Disney/Final Fantasy crossover JRPG series, Sora and his friends have traveled to various worlds modeled after classic Disney films in their ongoing battle against the forces of darkness. During these travels, Sora can unlock new forms for Kingdom Hearts' trusty Keyblade weapon, each one granting the young hero different effects and status boosts. In the case of 2019’s Kingdom Hearts III, these new Keyblades allow him to access alternate forms and special attacks to help him fend off the sinister Organization XIII and their Heartless forces.
The Kingdom Hearts series' focus on swordplay, traveling to unique and at times exotic worlds, and recurring theme of light battling darkness have naturally drawn comparisons to Star Wars, but the two franchises have remained separate — even after Disney purchased the rights to the beloved space opera from George Lucas in 2012. Kingdom Hearts creator Tetsuya Nomura has cited licensing issues as the primary reason that Star Wars has yet to be featured in a Kingdom Hearts game as of this writing, though the recent trailer for Kingdom Hearts 4 has suggested that this could be about to change. During last weekend’s appropriately cryptic Kingdom Hearts 4 teaser, fans could see a brief shot of a wooded area that looks suspiciously like the forest moon of Endor, leading many to believe that the upcoming sequel could see Sora and his friends pay a visit to the Galaxy Far, Far Away.
Related: What Star Wars Characters Could Come To Kingdom Hearts 4
This in turn has led Twitter user and Keyblade fan designer
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