Marvel's Captain America andIron Man were both radically changed through their battle duringCivil War — but one small action by Steve could have ended the entire conflict. Unfortunately, if Captain America ever found out that the tragic finale of the event was ultimately his own fault, he would be emotionally devastated. The story told in What If...Civil War #1 all but confirms that one dishonorable move by Steve Rogers during the final battle ultimately doomed both heroes, and Iron Man would not have won.
The story of Civil War is well-known by Marvel fans by now: a disastrous battle involving the New Warriors superhero team leads to the Superhuman Registration Act, a document that requires all super-powered vigilantes to reveal their secret identities to the United States government. While Iron Man supports the act, Captain America believes it infringes on freedoms promised to all individuals (super or otherwise) and goes underground with his supporters. The superhero community is split down the middle, and fights ensue between the two sides; Captain America and Iron Man eventually fight one-on-one, with disastrous results.
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Captain America initially gains the upper hand by discreetly placing a scrambler device on Iron Man's suit of armor while shaking his former friend's hand. This is a relatively underhanded tactic (especially for Steve Rogers), but in What If...Civil War #1, he notably chooses not to use the bug. He does this because Iron Man chooses to confide in Rogers; he isn't sure he's doing the right thing and wants Steve to give him an honest opinion. This makes Captain America deactivate the device and actually begin a