The Pokemon franchise is known for allowing players to catch cute and unique creatures, using those Pokemon to battle their way through all the gym leaders and challengers to become champion of a given region. Something that was rarely criticized was the graphics. Before Pokemon's 6th generation, thegames were strictly 2D, using sprites for the Pokemon, with their move animations being often simplistic representations. Even when the Pokemon games shifted over to 3D, they were playable only on the 3DS console.
Now though, mainline Pokemon games are being brought over to the more powerful hybrid Switch console. Allowing for both handheld and traditional play, the Switch was seen by many as a great combination of Nintendo's handheld and home-based console efforts. Where Pokemon is concerned, though, including the new Pokemon Scarlet andViolet, graphics have become a concern for fans and those looking to pick up the new games on the Switch. Since Gen 8 showed off some graphics that were a disappointment for many, the Pokemon franchise's graphics have been under a more watchful eye.
Pokemon Fan Makes Japanese Ink Painting of Scarlet and Violet Starters
Perhaps as fans look forward to Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, they can finally see some clear graphical improvements. One Pokemon fan on Reddit, known as Minnale101, has already compiled trailer screenshots from Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's trailers, comparing them with existing models from the previous Pokemon Sword and Shield. The Pokemon featured in the image are Magnemite, Lucario, and Stonjourner. For Magnemite especially, improvements in the reflections of the Steel-type Pokemon can be seen, as it looks less like a model ported in from the handheld 3D titles.
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