A fascinating Pokémon exhibitcompares various pocket monsters to their real-life dinosaur inspirations. The monster collection franchise currently has a roster of more than 900 individual creatures, with many drawing inspiration from actual animals, plants and prehistoric beings. Japan's Pokémon Fossil Tour, first announced back in April 2021, allows fans to examine and study these dinosaur-inspired Pokémon and their fantastic anatomy.
When it first began in 1996, the Pokémon franchise included 151 different monsters for players to encounter, battle and hopefully add to their ever-evolving collection. This number continues to swell with each new generation, as new games introuce additional members to the roster of 905 officially-recognized Pokémon. The unique designs and abilities of each collectible creature are a major part of the franchise's appeal, and The Pokémon Company pulling inspiration from various sources like real-world plants, animals and geography. Some notable designs are inspired by prehistoric creatures, with the Kalos region Pokémon Tyrantrum being a notable example of a monster inspired by fossils.
Related: How To Find (& Catch) Tyrantrum in Pokémon Go
As reported by Game Rant, the Pokémon Fossil Museum allows fans to directly compare dinosaur Pokémon to their real-life counterparts. The touring exhibit is currently traveling throughout Japan, with the showcase recently reaching Tokyo as its third destination. Images shared by <a href=«https://twitter.com/InternetMuseum/status/1503235628045316096?ref_src=» https: screenrant.com target="_blank" rel=«noopener noreferrer»>InternetMuseum
on Twitter give a glimpse inside the monster museum, which places Pokémon skeletons side-by-side with their real-world
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