Rune Factory 5 is the fifth numbered installment in the Rune Factory series, and the seventh installment overall. This series takes the farming and relationship-building of the Story of Seasons, once known as Harvest Moon, series and adds action RPG combat and dungeon exploration. As a result, the “farm animals” players obtain are changed into tamable monsters, although the crops players can grow remain grounded in reality.
The first Rune Factory game, with the subtitle A Fantasy Harvest Moon, was released for Nintendo DS in 2006 in Japan, with international releases spread out across the following years. The series’ developer Neverland filed for bankruptcy in 2013, but Marvelous hired many of its employees and continued the series with Rune Factory 5, which was originally released in Japan on May 20, 2021. Its international releases in 2022 span between March 22 for North America and March 25 for Europe.
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Rune Factory 5 feels like a natural progression of the series in many ways. It keeps the farming, crafting, quest system, and animal taming from past titles while improving the relationship-building in subtle but very impactful ways. It’s not directly related to past Rune Factory titles; there are some references made, since the games all take place in the same universe, but prior knowledge of the series isn’t necessary to enjoy Rune Factory 5. The biggest changes to the series come in how the game approaches marriage and character events. Not only does Rune Factory 5’s inclusive approach to relationship-building offer a fantastic way for the series to appeal to a more diverse audience than ever before, but the fact that it stands alone also makes