WoW Classic: Season of Discovery is all about exploring and finding new and powerful runes in the world, adding new powers and abilities to your class. Some require a little more work to find than others; in this case, it’s the druid’s Rune of Natural Potential.
This requires players to make and use a particular item to summon and defeat a boss, the Glade Crown for the Alliance and the Prairie Crown for the Horde. But how do you make these items, and where do you need to use them to get this rune? This guide has all the details on how to make the Glade and Prairie Crowns in Season of Discovery, where to use the item, and what reward awaits when you succeed.
Related: WoW Classic: Season of Discovery Server Status
Table of ContentsThe Glade and Prairie Crowns are important items that druids will need to get the Living Seed rune power. For the Alliance, you will need the Glade Crown; for the Horde, the Prairie Crown.
These items are not found in the world but rather are made by the player. To make these items, you will need to find three of your respective flowers, depending on your race. If you are a Night Elf, you need three Glade Flowers; for the Tauren, you will need three Prairie Flowers.
These are located all around your starting areas, Mulgore for Horde and Teldrassil for Alliance, and you can interact with these flowers to loot them and add them to your backpack. Once you have three, go into your bag, and you can combine them together and make your Glade