Stranger of Paradise is an action RPG-inspired take on the original Final Fantasy. Jack and his crew of Chaos hunters will fight against tons of bosses on their hunt. The Possessed is a late-game boss, and here are some good ways to take him down.
Fighting the PossessedThe Possessed is not some unknown warrior, he is the pirate boss Bikke from the second mission of the campaign. He is much more powerful, and he uses some new attacks to spice up his arsenal.
You will encounter this new Bikke during The False Warriors mission. Unlike the previous fight with him, he won’t summon pirate reinforcements during the battle. Most of the attacks he uses are single-target attacks. Use Resonance and have your allies dive in for damage while you keep a good distance.
The Possessed will use Molotov cocktails. Soul guard these and throw them back to deal a lot of stun damage. The Possessed does not have any second phase, so breaking him allows for a huge critical attack that will end the fight quickly. Here are the attacks the Possessed will use for this boss fight.
The Possessed Special Attacks Starfall – A front-facing smash attack that has long-range.Molotov – A firebomb that can be countered.Furious Blow – An unblockable axe swing. Stay behind him to avoid this attack.Tomahawk – Twin tomahawks are thrown from range.Yohoho – A buff that increases attack powerSpin – A whirlwind of axe attacks that tracks.Exorcising Torrent – A trio of large axe smashes that cause energy eruptions in front of the Possessed.Careful use of your allies and countering Molotov are critical to success. Avoid his spin and keep your distance when he activates Yohoho. Defeat the Possessed and claim your plunder once he is down.