The Marvel Cinematic Universe continues to expand with the release of Moon Knight, starring Oscar Isaac as the titular hero. To celebrate the limited series' debut, Marvel held a special red carpet premiere, which Screen Rant attended. At the event, we had an opportunity to talk with not just the creative team behind Moon Knight, but also other talents who have contributed to the larger MCU.
One such actor is David Dastmalchian, who played a supporting role as Kurt in Ant-Man and Ant-Man and the Wasp. Over the years, he's put together an extensive and impressive résumé, recently reuniting with director Christopher Nolan on Oppenheimer. At the Moon Knight premiere, Screen Rant caught up with Dastmalchian.
Related: Matt Lintz Interview at Moon Knight Premiere
Screen Rant: We have some catching up to do because let's talk about all the castings that have happened since.
David Dastmalchian: Since the last time I saw you?
David Dastmalchian: Yeah. It's been weird, it's been amazing. And you're talking about me.
Yes. I'm talking about you.
David Dastmalchian: There's been some incredible castings in the world of movie-making, but I have been literally counting my blessings every night because I go like, «Okay. I just got to go work on this incredible film, storytelling, dark drama about the Boston strangler with this incredible cast,» and then I went right into this Stephen King adaptation, The Boogeyman with this incredible cast, and then I'm now a part of Christopher Nolan's.
Yes. Reunited, I guess. It's like a full circle.
David Dastmalchian: It's really weird, Ash, because my first job, my first film job ever was working for him in a movie that changed all of our lives as moviegoers, but also for me as just an actor,