Like a Dragon: Ishin is the latest spin-off in the Like a Dragon franchise, featuring a familiar cast set in Japan's late Edo period. Players assume control of Sakamoto Ryoma as they become entangled in events that will shape the country's future.
One of the several historical figures who make a tremendous impact right from their first appearance in the campaign is Okada Izo of the Tosa Loyalist Party, a major antagonist in the game. This article will detail everything you need to know about beating this ferociously powerful opponent.
Note: Spoilers for Like a Dragon: Ishin will follow. Discretion is advised.
Okada Izo can be a challenging opponent for the ill-prepared. Thankfully, following these general pointers should help you ease through the battles. Keep in mind that Izo makes several appearances in Like a Dragon: Ishin with increasing difficulty, and these points only serve as a general explanation of his moveset and counters:
Okada Izo is based on the Japanese samurai of the same name during the late Edo period, notably known for his infamous bloodlust as an assassin. A member of the Tosa Kinnoto, Izo was a brilliant swordsman and one of the four most feared killers of his time.
In-game, Okada Izo is based on the appearance of Akira Nishikiyama, the major antagonist and sworn brother of Kazuma Kirya during the events of Yakuza Kiwami. Izo can be best described as a quiet but dangerous man with severe violent tendencies that have earned him the nickname “Izo the Butcher” and membership in the Tosa Loyalist Party.
Born to a low-ranking samurai family from Tosa, he too wishes to change the class system that plagues his country, albeit by more violent means.
Like a Dragon: Ishin was released on February 21 for the PC,