Yes, CDprojekt Red really didn’t do themselves any favours releasing the game as it was. The shocking state of the release is well known, especially since the software literally didn’t even run on last-generation consoles. Even on PC, where it was at its best, there was still enough janky mess and rough edges to get more than a few eyebrow raises.
But now, 13 months later, CDprojekt Red has unveiled patch 1.5. As far as next-generation console gamers are concerned, the update is supposed to bring the game’s visual fidelity to the same standard as the PC version. Beyond that, an absolute truckload of changes was made to the game in general, with extensive bug-squashing and various improvements implemented.
Sure, many gamers have long since forgotten about this train wreck, and rightly so. But others have been sitting back, waiting, and assuming that Cyberpunk 2077 will eventually get good.
The question is, has patch 1.5 made it the gaming experience that everyone was expecting?
I admit, in my experience, the changes have been substantial. From far more reactive NPCs to improved AI, to drastically fewer bugs and glitches, there is no question that this is how the game should have been released.
The patch notes also say that enemy AI has gotten an overhaul, and that does appear to be the case. Gunfights are now far more dynamic, with enemies taking cover, throwing grenades, and even flanking. None of it is groundbreaking by any means, but it does make the gameplay much more in line with other titles. The patch notes also mention better driving, and in that regard, the changes are a bit less noticeable. In my opinion, driving feels just as bad as it always did.
But most gamers are probably far more interested in whether the