Gravity Falls, Disney Channel’s quirky paranormal animated adventure show, ended eight years ago. But Bill Cipher, the inter-dimensional demon bent on taking over the multiverse, is back in action — or at least, he’s back in a new book penned by Gravity Falls creator, Alex Hirsch.
The book is basically Bill’s tell-all, where he spills a whole host of insights, including, but not limited to: a guide to taking over the world, embarrassing Pines family secrets, complex riddles and ciphers, and apparently a whole chapter on Silly Straws.
According to the Disney books website, The Book of Bill is for mature readers, but that doesn’t mean it’s super explicit. From Bill’s perspective, things are gonna get a little darker and edgier than the show. After all, the golden triangle just wants to wreak havoc across the universe with his willy machinations.
In a completely, totally serious email interview, Hirsch got as candid as he could with a demon lurking over his shoulder about writing this deeply cursed book and returning to the twisted mind of Bill Cipher and the world of Gravity Falls.
Polygon: What was it like returning to Bill specifically?
Alex Hirsch: Bill is a little bastard, and little bastards are fun to write. When me and my pals published this cursed anti-Bible from the perspective of a literal chaos demon, I genuinely couldn’t believe it. I still can’t believe it.
What makes this book in particular “deeply cursed”?
Probably all the curses. Please wash hands thoroughly with Holy Water after touching.
Bill’s a character that has left a legacy on animation, particularly with villains. Have you felt that impact? Was it something you ever anticipated?
Bill appeared in my head the way he appears in everyone else’s- unannounced, screaming, inexplicable. I wasn’t sure if audiences would “get” this guy, let alone be tattooing him permanently on their bodies a decade after he entered the collective unconscious. My best guess at his enduring all-ages appeal might