franchise is an ongoing powerhouse of real-time strategy gaming that delves into the history of cultures and societies across the globe. is due to be released on 11 February 2025 and is coming with a series of changes to the status quo fans are familiar with. Some of the most notable changes are the Conquering City change, more controversial changes, and the age change and leader change. A certain aspect of educational opportunity is at risk.
The conquering city change, in which a city immediately alters its culture upon being conquered, is not too dissimilar from previous installments of the franchise, but it is the doorway that opens into the lack of a cemented leader and culture during the progress of ages. There are now three Ages in Antiquity, Exploration, and Modern. At the end of each age, society will reach a crisis, and the player must pick a new culture in the Age Transition to evolve from the previous. What was once the growth of a culture from beginning to end is now a mash of whichever leader and whatever culture is paired together.
utilizes 8 eras: Ancient, Classical, Medieval, Renaissance, Industrial, Modern, Atomic and Information, laying out a direct progression of the player's chosen civilization from beginning to end.'s departure from this structure to the more ambiguous Antiquity, Exploration and Modern Ages shows the lack of focus on a civilization's growth within its historical cultural identity and leans into a vastly more chaotic form of civilization growth. It is no longer about the stages of civilization to reach the modern day within its own bubble but tries to emulate multiculturalism.
Civilization 7 is available to preorder in four different bundles that include different DLC, early access, physical collectibles, and more.
Yet the structure is proposing does not give the player a view of multiculturalism. In fact, it offers quite the opposite. The evolution from Age of Antiquity to Exploration comes with a complete shift to an