The untitled third entry in the Final Fantasy VII Remake project, following Final Fantasy VII Remake and Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, is currently about nine months into development, according to director Naoki Hamaguchi.
“Regarding the third game, we started working on it immediately after finishing Final Fantasy VII Rebirth—around March or April 2024—so we’ve already been in development for about nine months,” Hamaguchi told in an interview for the release of the PC version of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. “Our goal for 2024 was to solidify the gameplay experience we were aiming for with the third entry of the Remake project, and we put together a great build that aligns with the team’s overall direction and vision.
“Starting in 2025, we’ve entered the phase of building and refining the game based on the plan we’ve established, and development is progressing smoothly and at a good pace, following the schedule I initially laid out. I can’t say when I’ll be able to share more information, but please stay tuned.”
Producer Yoshinori Kitase added, “When it comes to large, story-driven RPG projects, the pace of development depends heavily on whether the story itself is fully locked in. For the third game’s story, after I received the scenario from [scenario write Kazushige] Nojima, I asked him to give it a greater sense of completeness since this is the final game. We just wrapped that up a few days ago, so I feel that things are progressing smoothly.”
While Final Fantasy VII Remake originally released on PlayStation 4, sequel Final Fantasy VII Rebirth released on PlayStation 5 without a PlayStation 4 version. Asked whether users can expect the third game to follow the trend of only being available on the next generation of consoles, Kitase laughed and said, “No, no, don’t worry about that next time.”
Earlier in the interview, asked Hamaguchi why the Final Fantasy VII Remake games have had staggered releases on PC, rather than launching day and date