Gunbreaker is one of the most engaging jobs to play in Final Fantasy 14's current PvP offerings, providing players with access to a wide range of offensive skills and utility. Using their gunblade and a selection of buffs, Gunbreaker can turn the tides of even the most dire PvP situation.
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With the right rotations and strategy, Gunbreaker can be a versatile and essential member of a party in any of the game’s selection of PvP modes, with valuable high-potency DPS combos and a lot of HP for absorbing damage. In addition, the unique junction system allows the Gunbreaker to respond to situations with immediacy using three different types of support skill.
As of Patch 6.1, Gunbreaker is more accessible than ever to play and master in PvP, and playing it from the PvE version of the class requires only a slight adjustment to your usual gunblade strategies.
Gunbreaker’s PvP job actions represent more basic but more powerful versions of the job’s PvE skills. In PvP, you don’t need to worry about maintaining your powder gauge, but many of the basic abilities and how you progress through them in the form of your basic rotation remain the same as the PvE version of the class.
Amongst Gunbreaker’s PvP actions, you’ll find attacks that will be strung together as part of the job’s two basic combos, Solid Barrel and Continuation, as well as several essential oGCD (off global cooldown) abilities to be used in between the various weaponskills. If you’re familiar with playing Gunbreaker in PvE, adapting to their PvP skills shouldn’t be too difficult.
The key difference comes in the form of the Junction system, which allows you to draw additional power from the enemy using the