Bruce Campbell's Ash comes to life as an adorable felt puppet in new fan art inspired by The Evil Dead. Released in 1981, The Evil Dead movie tells the story of five friends who travel to a cabin in the woods, where they then inadvertently release flesh-eating demonic beings that become known as «Deadites.» The low-budget horror film was followed by several sequels and a reboot, with another film, Evil Dead Rise, expected to release later this year. Campbell's Ash would return in Evil Dead II and Army of Darkness, as well as Ash vs Evil Dead, a TV series on Starz that ran for 3 seasons.
The Evil Dead is largely considered to have launched the careers of both Campbell and director Sam Raimi, who would go on to direct a number of high-profile films, including, most notably, the Spider-Man trilogy starring Tobey Maguire. Raimi and Campbell also continue to regularly work together, with Raimi often featuring Campbell in cameo roles. Their most recent collaboration was for Doctor Stranger in the Multiverse of Madness, in which Raimi introduced Campbell as Pizza Poppa, a street vendor in New York City on Earth-838.
Related: Evil Dead Made The Same Mistake As George Lucas in 2010
In an impressive new piece of fan art from artist Ed Mironiuk on Instagram, Ash comes to life as an adorable felt puppet. The puppet bust features Ash, mouth agape, in his iconic blue shirt with a shotgun strapped to his back. Funnily enough, Mironiuk explains that the puppet was originally intended to be Vyvyan from The Young Ones, but he turned it into Ash when he realized that the chin was too big. Check out Mironiuk's Ash puppet below:
A post shared by Ed Mironiuk (@edmironiuk)
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Although The Evil Dead is now more