Tony Stark is no longer leading the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but the franchise has continued to change Iron Man's story after killing him in Avengers: Endgame. Robert Downey Jr.'s 11-year run as Iron Man in the MCU came to a heartbreaking end in 2019. Avengers: Endgame's ending saw Tony Stark sacrifice his life to save the universe from a 2014 version of Thanos. The MCU's original hero used the Infinity Stones to snap the Mad Titan and his army out of existence. However, the power was too much for him and his suit to take.
Iron Man's Avengers: Endgame death signaled a changing of the guard for the MCU as the Infinity Saga concluded. It was part of Marvel Studios' plan to begin taking the original Avengers members off the board and replace them with newer heroes. There is seemingly no plan to bring Iron Man back in Phase 4 or beyond, as Marvel Studios and Kevin Feige view resurrecting or rebooting the iconic character as a non-starter from a story perspective. However, ignoring Iron Man entirely is easier said than done, considering how big of a role he played in the MCU.
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Even though audiences haven't seen Robert Downey Jr.'s Iron Man since Avengers: Endgame killed him, the Marvel movies and Disney+ shows have managed to still change his story. New aspects of the genius, billionaire, playboy philanthropist's life continue to be uncovered as Phase 4 unravels. Some of these changes come through direct connections to Iron Man's past and legacy, while others result from wider revelations that the MCU has made. In either case, Iron Man's story continues to change after his Avengers: Endgame death.
The MCU didn't wait long to change Iron Man's story