Horizon Forbidden West continues the story of Aloy delving into the history and purpose of Project Zero Dawn, which operated with nine subordinate functions controlled by a master artificial intelligence. Horizon Zero Dawn's story and ending dealt heavily with GAIA (Project Zero Dawn's AI) and two of its subordinate functions, HADES and HEPHAESTUS. All three are key subjects in Forbidden West as well, but the sequel has a renewed focus on all nine subordinate functions. Without going too far into HFW spoiler territory, an overview of Project Zero Dawn and each subordinate function's purpose follows below.
In the year 2064, nearly one thousand years before the events of Zero Dawn and Forbidden West, Dr. Elisabet Sobeck became aware of the Faro Plague, a rogue swarm of war machines that had become self-sufficient by consuming biomass to multiply. Sobeck predicted that the swarm would destroy all life on Earth within 15 months, and quickly began work on a way to restore life to Earth following the collapse of its biosphere. For those that didn't play Horizon Zero Dawn before Forbidden West, the sequel takes some time to get players acquainted with Sobeck and her life's work, even including a glossary of key figures from the first game.
Related: How Long Horizon Forbidden West Takes To Beat
Sobeck and nine of the Earth's other leading scientists became Project Zero Dawn's Alphas — those responsible for designing, programming, and implementing the project's AI and subordinate functions, all of which are named after mythological Greek figures. GAIA, the AI that would control Zero Dawn, was developed and trained by Sobeck herself, while each of the other Alphas created the subordinate functions. Each subroutine was responsible
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