The Mario franchise is well-known for its adorable and bizarre cast of characters, but the royal mushroom retainer Toad has been especially memorable for some fans. Although Toad's personality, specific role in the story, and even whether he's a single individual or a group of identical mushroom people have changed between games, he's been a series constant. Now, one fan of Mario has put on a Toad hat, sat down at their drum set, and showed what it would be like if Toad performed a Blink-182 song.
Blink-182 is an American rock band formed in 1992 known for its pop-punk songs that often focus around relationships, adolescent frustrations, and maturity–or the lack of maturity. This isn't the first time video game fans have crossed over their favorite games with Blink-182 songs, but it may be one of the funniest.
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Drummer and streamer Sunfyre recently shared a short, 30-second long video of herself playing the drum portions of Blink-182's classic song «I Miss You» on TikTok. This might not be particularly surprising, except that she also sings most of the song's chorus in a screechy Toad voice. At the beginning of the video, she puts on a large hat designed to look like Toad's mushroom head before picking up her drumsticks and starting to play.
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