Ryutaro Ichimura, who is known as the chief producer of the Dragon Quest series, has left Square Enix as of March 31, he announced on Twitter.
“I’ve started to count how many more games I’ll be able to make in my lifetime,” said Ichimura, who turns 47 this year. Especially now, when it takes three to four years to make a game, “we have to carefully consider each title we make.”
He continued, “Once I can reset and reflect, I’d like to leave this blessed environment, and explore what can be made if I dare to push myself into a higher-risk environment.”
Ichimura was most recently producer of Infinity Strash: Dragon Quest The Adventure of Dai, which was confirmed for a global release this fall earlier today. Ichimura has since handed the reigns to his successor, but added to, “Rest assured that I have already overseen it to near-completion.”
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