The key to Dislyte success is putting together a strong squad of heroes. or espers, for each occasion. Whether you’re working through the main storyline, taking part in PvP (through Point War) or taking on Trials, you need a squad that can get the job done.
Related: Dislyte: Beginner Tips
Loosely speaking, you can divide espers into three categories: support, damage per second (DPS) and healer. Each squad needs a combination of the three to succeed. However, with so many espers in the game, it can be tough to decide who to level up. Below we’ll talk about some support espers you should look out for. These are heroes who buff your other squad members and debuff or weaken your enemies, so the damage and healing espers can get the job done.
Gabrielle is generally considered the strongest esper in the game, and is a fantastic addition to any squad. She is capable of big damage, alongside DEF and ATK down debuffs and a squad DEF up buff, essentially fulfilling two team roles in one. And despite being a five-star legendary esper, she’s accessible to everyone for free via the Esper Fusion section of the War Room.
Lucas is another five-star legend that’s free to all. However, you’ll have to complete all 100 levels of the Spatial Tower in the Infinite Miracle to earn him, which is no mean feat. Once you do, you’ll have access to one of the best support espers in the game. His more powerful abilities have a chance to stun, dispel buffs, or reduce AP, and even his basic attack steals enemy AP.
Unas is also a five-star legendary, but one you get the traditional way – luck of the draw. He's one of the fastest espers in the game, especially because his main attack boosts AP by 30 percent for your whole team. So, if he acts first,