The much-anticipated biopic documenting the life of Julius Robert Oppenheimer, the visionary responsible for the world's first atomic bomb, hit theaters last Friday. It is focused on the challenges faced by scientists during the Manhattan Project and delves into the complexities of quantum physics and advanced scientific concepts along with the depicton of human relationships under immense pressure. The film has garnered widespread acclaim, being hailed as a "masterpiece" by fans globally. But some are disappointed as one crucial element is missing - it fails to inspire.
Taking to Twitter, Altman expressed his disappointment with the movie, stating that he had hoped it would ignite a passion for physics among young audiences, but, in his view, it "missed the mark" in accomplishing that goal. Underlining the critical necessity of such a movie, he added, "Let's get that movie made!". He did praise the film 'Social Network' for its ability to inspire aspiring startup founders.
Twitter owner Elon Musk echoed Altman's sentiment and responded with a simple "Indeed."
Despite these critical opinions, there were others who disagreed, using the opportunity to take swipes at AI, ChatGPT, and even 'Social Network'. One user commented on the latter, calling it “an unfortunately brilliant depiction of how innovative people can act in selfish, harmful ways and still get ahead.”
Another suggested an alternative version of the Oppenheimer movie, one that successfully inspires viewers to pursue physics while staying close to the original plot.
Furthermore, someone else proposed creating a movie that educates kids about the potential pitfalls of AI, highlighting the significance of understanding the consequences of rapidly advancing technology.