When it comes to PC gaming, there is plenty of negative feedback over Denuvo. If you’re unfamiliar with this software, it’s a DRM that has proven quite popular with several developers and publishers. But what has fans in an uproar at times is the fact that we see countless reports that Denuvo DRM takes a hit at the game performance. These reports are sometimes backed up with proof showing gameplay performance when the DRM is active and copies of games where the DRM was taken out. Now it looks like the company that owns Denuvo, Irdeto, is sick of hearing these reports and wants to clear the air.
If you think Denuvo is to blame for the sudden boost of game performance when the DRM is removed, get ready to be wrong. At least that’s the eyes of Irdeto and the CEO, Steve Huin. It looks like Irdeto is making big claims that the different reports and game performance evidence are wrong. According to Steve Huin during an interview with Ars Technica, we see a performance boost at times because players are not actually going through the game build.
Steve notes that constant build updates are released, which fixes various issues within the game. So it’s generally tough to get the same build with Denuvo DRM and without it. Steve went on to say that the company does its own tests to see if the Denuvo DRM causes performance issues with the games it’s being attached to. But the CEO admits that these reports wouldn’t be taken seriously by the gaming community. As a result, he’s looking to provide software for trusted media to see a game performance with and without Denuvo DRM.
That should hopefully reveal the game performance is not being hindered by Denuvo. But again, we’ll have to wait for some of these media reports to come as we
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