Thesecond season of may run at the same time as. The show is set to premiere on March 4 and airs for nine episodes. If Disney decides to use the typical one-episode-a-week format, it will sync up with NetEase’s schedule for season two. This is the perfect time to promote Daredevil with playable heroes, skins, events, or at least references to the character and his rogues gallery.
having a tie-in is one of the best means of cross promoting both properties. However, it is possible that NetEase did not fully prepare or had other plans. It has already been shown that Marvel has allowed the developers quite a bit of freedom, including using obscure characters like Jeff the Land Shark. But ignoring Daredevil altogether would be a wasted opportunity to showcase one of Marvel’s most prominent street-level heroes.
already has references to Daredevil’s civilian identity of Matt Murdock. While exploring the new map of Midtown in , you can find a billboard for Nelson & Murdock Attorneys At Law. Since the game has multiple dimensions, Daredevil could originate from this world or any of the other realities. There is also an ad for Luke Cage’s Heroes For Hire and a building owned by Wilson Fisk.
If wants to make a more direct connection to, there are several characters to make playable. The most obvious is Daredevil, who would likely be a fast melee skirmisher similar to Spider-Man. His billy clubs are his most iconic weapon, often with considerable range. It would be interesting if Daredevil’s heightened senses gave him some resistances to negative status effects.
The next choice would be Bullseye, considered one of the best snipers in all of Marvel Comics. He can take any household item and turn it into a deadly projectile. When the game first launched, people questioned why Bullseye wasn’t among the snipers instead of Black Widow or Hela in . It is possible that NetEase really was saving him closer to the premiere of .
White Tiger could be an interesting Duelist. features the