While AI has proven that it can serve up surprises as it follows its programming towards the designated task, it’s still at its core a focused piece of software designed to do a job. Cherry’s job was to be a companion to the scientist Doctor Shinji Fallon, and that part of her core remains unchanged. Everything else, however, appears very different after Shinji is abducted and Cherry almost completely dismantled. The sweetness & light waifu-bot has gotten an upgrade to pure-damn-awesome, and she’s ready to beat the bloody hell out of anything that gets between her and her love. Rage wasn’t part of the initial software package but has taken root now, and it’s ready to pop a few heads on the path to rescue and vengeance.
Cookie Cutter is a brawling metroidvania featuring a punk as f**k robot that, like the enemies she’s eviscerating, has been hand-animated to within an inch of its life. Cherry fights with a variety of weapons including chainsaw, motorbike, and electric guitar, taking on enemies that frequently have cartoon-ultraviolent death animations based on how you dispatch them. Tear out the squidgy bits, stomp them until they burst, or rip them in half, Cherry is having a great time expressing her newfound fury.
As a metroidvania, though, you can expect Cherry to start off as capable but little more. Found almost completely destroyed by the mechanic Raz, in the condition you can see in today’s trailer at 0:13, the rebuilt Cherry is a far cry from the version seen at 0:03. Even so, anger only takes her so far so she’ll need to be much stronger as new zones introduce new enemies and hazards. Many of the combat abilities also double as mobility aids, and in the standard genre style Cherry will need to earn them
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