Here is a preview of the Cinderbrew Meadery, a new dungeon in The War Within Expansion, located on the Isle of Dorn.
Under new management! The Cinderbrew Meadery is a focal point of Unbound earthen culture, and under the dotage of Wenbrandt, the meadery has crafted a fiery, potent brew enjoyed by all earthen. However, the meadery has been the victim of a hostile corporate acquisition by Goldie Baronbottom, a goblin entrepreneur, ushering in a new age of mass-produced cinderbrew.
We have datamined the dungeon journal for Cinderbrew Meadery. Some boss descriptions are missing, but you can see loot and abilities.
Barkeep and brew master for the meadery, Aldyr has more than mead on tap. Anyone who messes with Cinderbrew Meadery's new management messes with Aldyr, and he has many friends in low places.