As the last episode of Pokémon Journeys: The Series aired in Japan, The Pokémon Company released a new trailer for the next generation of Pokémon anime. The new series officially has a name: Pokémon Horizons: The Series. It’ll debut this year, but The Pokémon Company did not give exact timing.
A new trailer published Friday morning on YouTube is the first in-depth look at the anime, though The Pokémon Company has been slowly revealing more and more about the show. In the one-minute trailer, we learn a bit more about new protagonists Liko, Roy, and their Paldean Pokémon as they set out to learn about the mysteries of the world and a mysterious pendant. But most importantly, it’s a better look at the cutest character in Pokémon Horizons: The Series… Captain Pikachu. (Not, this is not Ash’s Pikachu. It’s Pikachu with a captain’s hat.)
More details on Pokémon Horizons: The Series accompanied the trailer in a news release. Captain Pikachu and his partner Friede are part of a group called the Rising Volt Tacklers, and they travel the Pokémon world in an airship with a stacked crew. Friede and Captain Pikachu are said to assist Liko and Roy understand the mysteries of their respective pendant and Poké Ball, but the Rising Volt Tacklers crew will no doubt help, too:
The Rising Volt Tacklers include Orla, who enjoys mechanical and electrical work and is accompanied by her partner Pokémon, Metagross; Murdock, who is skilled at cooking, and his partner Pokémon, Rockruff; Mollie, who specializes in healing treatments, and her partner Pokémon, Chansey; and Ludlow.
Liko and Roy will also meet a group called the Explorers, the details of which still remain a mystery. A trailer featuring the Explorers members Amethio and