Despite being the franchise's most controversial entry, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice actually saved the DCEU after Man of Steel's missteps. The DCEU certainly didn't get the start that it deserved. Though Zack Snyder's Man of Steel was generally well-received, it was criticized for its creative handling of the character of Superman. However, it wasn't until the sequel, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, was released that the DCEU's biggest problems became entirely evident.
Batman v Superman introduced Ben Affleck's Batman into the franchise, a character who was initially disliked, although Affleck's performance has since been reappraised and afforded a warmer reception. Batman v Superman unsurprisingly pits two of DC's most iconic heroes against one another, as well as establishing numerous DCEU heroes and villains and continuing the story of 2013's Man of Steel. Threatening to collapse under the sheer weight of the film's many ideas, Batman v Superman received a decidedly mixed reception from both critics and audiences alike.
Related: DCEU Theory Cleverly Explains Ben Affleck's Batman Change In BvS
Despite often being cited as the worst film in the DCEU and blamed for the franchise's many shortcomings, there's actually a lot that Batman v Superman does right. Not only did Ben Affleck's Batman manage to work tonally alongside Henry Cavill's Superman, but the film was able to convincingly introduce a number of ideas that shaped the franchise moving forward. Though Batman v Superman remains controversial, most of its shortcomings were actually issues caused by Man of Steel, and the sequel was landed with the impossible task of bridging Snyder's first Superman film with the ideas of the wider franchise. As Batman v