The Awakening the Machine World Event takes place in the zone of The Ringing Deeps and requires a level 80 character & Renown 3 from Assembly of the Deeps to unlock. Awakening the Machine can be started at any time by speaking with Speaker Kuldas.
Awakening the Machine World Event Guide
During the event, the player will be attacked by up to 20 waves of enemies, with a break every 5 waves. The event ends when either the player dies or leaves the area, Speaker Kuldas dies, or the player reaches wave 20 to defeat Awakened Phalanx.
There are several mobs players will encounter during Awakening the Machine:
- Swarmbot — Low health mob, slowly walks towards Speaker Kuldas. Hitting it with any ability will aggro them off Kuldas.
- Corrupted Machinist — Normal mob, constantly casts Purging Flames towards Kuldas. Interrupting the cast in any way will cause the NPC to explode, instantly killing them.
- Explosive Bomberbot — Low health mob that casts Self-Destruct on death. Kite it away from Kuldas.
- Malfunctioning Pylon — Normal mob that constantly casts Hazardous Beam in front of him. Cannot be interrupted, but the beam can be intercepted — Either by yourself or another mob — if you stand between the Pylon and Kuldas.
- Automatic Ironstrider — Elite mob that regularly casts Volatile Magma. After 8 seconds, the DOT is removed, forming a Magma Puddle where you stand and sending magma waves in an X orientation. Just make sure these waves don't hit Kuldas.
- Medbot — Low health mob that constantly walks around and heals enemies with Routine Maintenance. Drops a green potion on the ground on death, you can grab that potion to heal both yourself and Kuldas.
- Nullbot — Low health mob that channels Nullification Barrier on enemies, preventing them from taking damage.
- Awakened Phalanx — Final boss at Wave 20, casts Bellowing Slam, dealing damage to you and Kuldas, as well as causing cave-ins. DPS race.
There are two sets of rewards for Awakening the Machine. The weekly Gearing Up for