New crossover art shows the protagonists of Attack on Titan and Neon Genesis Evangelionmerged as one person, creating a formidable mecha titan. Both series explore the effects of war on younger generations and the motives for human actions, with Neon Genesis Evangelion running from 1995-96 and Attack on Titan starting in 2013. Attack on Titan's third part of its final season won't release until 2023, but the manga ended in 2021.
Neon Genesis Evangelionfollows teenager Shinji Ikari as he pilots a bio-machine mecha named Evangelion against entities called Angels in a futuristic Tokyo. In another war for humanity, Attack on Titanfollows teenager Eren Yeager as he trains to battle humanoid titans who eat humans and kill his mother, but turns out to be a titan himself and fights as a titan on the side of humanity. Both shows garnered a large fan following. Although Neon Genesis Evangelion only had one season, Attack on Titan is still creating excitement for the final part of its fourth season.
Related: Dead By Daylight Announces Surprise Attack On Titan Crossover
Crossover art from Seven Signs Art imagines a combination of Ikari's Evangelion mecha and Yeager's titan form, creating a daunting foe for any titan or angel. Evangelion armors Eren in the art with a young Eren in front of the titan form/Evangelion, showing Eren's change from teenager to warrior. The art creates a new mashup of already powerful beings of war, leaving fans to wonder just how destructive one of the nine titan powers would be when combined with a mecha war machine.
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The art parallels Shinji and Eren, who both chose to fight in a war at a young age and battle for humanity to survive. Already a weapon of war, young