Atlus' Megami Tensei series is an incredibly diverse franchise of game releases, much like Square Enix's Final Fantasy franchise. Since the original Megami Tensei's release in 1987, subseries have included Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner,Devil Survivor, Persona, and more. Where exactly Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers fits in that genealogy is complicated, but what matters is that the JRPG is unique and has its own cult fanbase. That's probably why it appears Atlus is teasing the announcement of a new Soul Hackers game coming next week.
An official website from Atlus and Sega with the URL has appeared online featuring a countdown. There are two important parts to the countdown. First, a handy message above the countdown reading, «Hack Begins: 2022.2.18 FRI. 12:00.» Then there's the countdown, which should expire at 7:00 PM on Monday, February 21. In other words, the «Hack Begins» this Friday, but the countdown will end next Monday.
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What Atlus will likely do is release a teaser or trailer for its upcoming Soul Hackers announcement on Friday, or perhaps something smaller having to do with the website. Then, Atlus could fully unveil the project next Monday, whatever it could be. It's a unique way to host a countdown, which is typically used to build up hype using mystery and speculation. Atlus and Sega appear to have already given away the heart of the announcement. Now it's just a matter of waiting for the meat of the reveal.
One lingering significant question is whether this new Soul Hackers project is planned for a global release or for a western release at all. While the countdown website itself does feature English, the social media account linked on the website