Another character from the latest western animated Sonic the Hedgehog TV series, Sonic Prime, is coming to the Sonic Forces: Speed Battle mobile game. Sonic Forces: Speed Battle was developed by Sega Hardlight, a UK-based studio that is a part of the parent company's European branch. It originally was a tie-in game to the console version of Sonic Forces from 2017, being an online battle-racing game for mobile devices. While the console game was critically panned and released without too much fanfare, the mobile game has continued to be supported in the years following its launch.
Sonic Forces: Speed Battle would see several character additions, ranging from those that originated from the main game canon to those having tie-ins with alternate canons. This includes adding characters based on the Sonic the Hedgehog film, the Sonic IDW Comics, and more recently, Sonic Prime. With the release of the first season late last year, it added two Sonic Prime characters to Sonic Forces: Speed Battle, Tails Nine and Rusty Rose. With another season looking to release this year, another character from the Sonic Prime show is being added.
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Unlike the previous characters, which were alternate versions of Sonic's friends becoming playable, the new character this time is Sonic Prime's version of Sonic himself. However, this version of Sonic runs with the consequences of the Shatterverse, with the event calling him «Boscage Maze Sonic» to differentiate him from his other counterparts. In the show itself, Sonic accidentally enters the Boscage Maze Universe, where he finds the world has been overrun with plant life. His new shoes and gloves adapt to the new world around him, becoming