In the last chapter of Patch 10.1, the Black Dragonflight leadership race finally comes to an end, as Ebyssian is chosen as leader. We take a look at what brought us to this point.
Sabellian vs WrathionEbyssian is the new Black Dragon Aspect. It's… sort of official. Though community support for Ebyssian has existed for some time, this must come as a surprise for in-game characters at least — while Wrathion and Sabellian each openly campaigned for the position, Ebyssian never seemed to covet the role. With the weekly quests Allegiance to One and the Obsidian Citadel activities, the leadership race between Sabellian and Wrathion has been treated as something players get to participate in — we're asked to offer our support to a contender and gain various rewards in the process. However, from the start, the hints that our contribution would not actually play a role in the final selection was always there. In contrast with something like the choice between Saurfang and Sylvanas back in Battle for Azeroth, or even the choice that's made between two opposing factions like the Aldor or Scryers of Burning Crusade or Booty Bay and the Bloodscale Buccaneers, the choice we make between Wrathion and Sabellian can be changed at just about any time. We can support both of them, and we do not lose reputation with either of them if we happen to support the other one. All this suggests that the leadership contest was always more fun than serious — a way to obtain toys and transmog while we wait for the story to reveal the next Aspect.
Sabellian — The Dangerous ChoiceSabellian is portrayed as competent and clear-headed, a contrast to Wrathion's inexperience and hot-headedness. However, he's also portrayed as far too similar to