The Totem of Defiance, or Skaen's Totem, in Emerald Stair, is the second major totem set in . As with Woedica's Totem in Dawnshore, there are seven different pieces, including the totem base. Totems award unique and powerful buffs after placing each piece in your camp, and they can be found in all sorts of locations, typically near other side quests or even main quests. As with all totems, clues about the totem locations can be bought from a specific vendor, but these clues only provide a hint about where to look and don't provide any specific map indicators.
I recommend grabbing the clues before heading out to find each totem piece, as it will make your life slightly more manageable with a general idea of where to look. As being one of the best items to get early, which order you decide to grab the pieces in doesn't necessarily matter, though there is a more convenient path that I'll lay out here. Skaen's Totem pieces include the following: the Schemer's Offering, Sacrificial Dagger, Idol of Covert Plots, Idol of Secret Hatred, Idol of Violent Rebellion, Obsidian Prayer Beads, and Effigy Necklace. Here is a look at where to buy the clues and track down the Totem of Defiance pieces in 's Emerald Stair.
My first stop in Emerald Stair was Fior mes Inverno, where I picked up some of the main quests in the area. The totem pieces are generally near side quest locations, so having these quest markers as reference points can be useful. The Fragments of the Offering clues can actually be foundsoutheast of Fior mes Inverno proper, at the Farmer's Market. This is in the Coastal Farms area around Maxim's Claim, and you're looking for a merchant named Llucia Melcer inside a building with two purple lights on either side of the entrance.
If you plan to take advantage of the Skaen's Totem bonuses while exploring Emerald Stair, you should grab the Totem Base first, as it's the only way to place the pieces in your camp.
Llucia Melcer sells the Fragments of the Offering clues for