Bandai Namco's 'Tales Of' series has always been an underrated gem of a franchise. The series began life on Super Famicom with Phantasia and continues its streak of success 27 years later. The fantasy action-RPG series has largely been console exclusive but has seen ports to PC over the past few years.
Now, the publisher has announced a franchise sale with all five games on PC being discounted, including the latest one: Arise. Which of these series should you start with? To answer that question, let's rank them.
The story follows Sorey, a young man blessed with powers by a mystical spirit race known as the Seraphim who acts as a stabilizing force in the land. He travels to free the land of Glenwood from the threat of the Hellion, which are creatures spawned by negative emotions.
Combat is fast paced with other party members also being usable. There are a variety of gauges to link characters and perform special attacks. Characters can also combine with Seraphs into powerful hybrid forms to deal massive damage.
Released in 2017, Berseria takes place in the Holy Midgand Empire, a powerful country that rules over this world's archipelago of a continent.
Throughout the empire, a disease known as Daemonblight causes those infected to lose their humanity and sense of rationality. This transforms into monsters known as Daemons, who pose a threat to the world. Players control Velvet, a woman on a journey of self-discovery after joining a crew of pirates.
Engage in fluid, fast-paced action against the wild monsters that roam the lands. It is also the first entry in the series to use a free, player-controlled camera system. Artes and the Linear Motion Battle System make a return from Zesteria. The Soul Gauge system adds further strategy