The newest League of Legends support champion, Milio, will be available to play with the introduction of patch 13.6, and players can soon check out his powerful kit.
From the looks of it, Milio is set to be a powerful champion when paired with Marksman ADCs. He is bound to be one of the most contested picks in all ranks as players will look for every opportunity to help their botlaners 1v9 their games.
With that in mind, players who are looking to duo with their friends and are struggling to decide which Marksman to play alongside him have come to the right place. This article lists five of the best ADCs to pair with Milio in League of Legends season 13.
Disclaimer: This list is subjective and solely reflects the opinions of the author.
Caitlyn is expected to be one of the finest ADCs to pair with Milio support in League of Legends season 13. The champion received a nerf back in patch 13.5, but she has still managed to be an oppressive pick under the right circumstances.
Based on her win rate from the League of Legends patch 13.5, Caitlyn isn't the strongest ADC at the moment. However, when played under the right circumstances, with a good support player and one who isn't afraid to be oppressive early on and take advantage of her auto-attack range.
The early game matters a lot in the current meta. The botlane that manages to negate the other and have control of the lane whilst also helping the junglers with objectives ends up winning the majority of the time.
Caitlyn can vastly benefit from having Milio's W (Cozy Campire). The ability can turn her into an even more oppressive champion under the hands of a skilled player. This would make the enemy ADC champion want to forfeit the game at the start of a laning phase.