Since the debut of the originalmanga series in 1996, Yu-Gi-Oh has grown into one of the largest and most well-known media franchises of the past three decades. The manga following Yugi Muto and the mysterious spirit of the Millennium Puzzle has spawned multiple anime series, video games, and a massively popular trading card game of the same name. Now, a recent report coming out of Japan reveals the game's creator Kazuki Takahashi has tragically passed away.
Though Yu-Gi-Oh came as Takahashi's biggest success, the game-focused series was far from his first as his career as a manga artist started nearly 15 years earlier in 1982. Takahashi would publish two original works before Yu-Gi-Oh! with Fighting Hawk releasing in 1990 and Tennenshoku Danji Buray from 1991 to 1992; however, both would see limited success. Takahashi would continue to stay active as an artist even following the original Yu-Gi-Oh's conclusion, recently collaborating with Marvel on a graphic novel earlier this year. Now, Japanese news outlet NHK has reported Kazuki Takahashi was found dead earlier this week.
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The original report reveals that Japanese coast guard officials found Takahashi floating in the water near the city of Nago in Japan's Okinawa prefecture on Wednesday, confirming the Yu-Gi-Oh creator's identity this morning. Takahashi was reportedly found wearing snorkeling gear, leading many to believe his death may have been related to an accident while diving. Coast guard officials stated they are «looking into the cause of death» with no official confirmation given as to how the prolific manga artist passed away.
News of Takahashi's untimely passing was quick to take over