In response to the unexpected and untimely death of Yu-Gi-Oh creator Kazuki Takahashi, the manga community has rushed to pay tribute to one of its most influential and groundbreaking creators, with heartfelt messages from the talents behind such acclaimed properties as My Hero Academia and One Piece.
Earlier this month, the manga world was stunned by the news of the sudden death of Kazuki Takahashi. According to news reports, the 60-year-old manga creator's body was found about 1,000 feet off the coast of the southern Okinawan island of Nago. An investigation into the case by the Japanese Coast Guard found that Takahashi has apparently died as the result of a snorkeling accident.
Related: Yu-Gi-Oh!'s Weirdest Manga is Basically Back to the Future
While it is common knowledge that Takahashi touched millions of manga readers across the world, what is less known is the influence he had on the manga-creating community. Nowhere was this better demonstrated when manga creators used Shonen Jump's weekly "Mangaka Musings" column to pay tribute to Takahashi for all he has done for the development of the manga industry both in Japan and abroad. Yu-Gi-Oh was serialized in Weekly Shonen Jump during its publication run.
Manga luminaries such as One Piece's Eiichiro Oda, My Hero Academia's Kohei Horikoshi, Mashle's Hajime Komoto, and Doron Dororon's Gen Oosuka all posted comments and thoughts on Takahashi and Yu-Gi-oh to the message board. «Yu-Gi-Oh! is a revolution of manga!! Fans will always continue to have fun in the world that Takahashi Sensei created. Rest in peace!» said Oda in his post. Horikoshi added, «I'm in shock. Rest in peace, Takahashi Sensei.» Komoto, who grew up reading Yu-Gi-Oh added, «I played Yu-Gi-Oh! constantly