Shonen Jump manga have had a string of popular anime adaptations released over the years. Most recently, notable series like My Hero Academia, Jujutsu Kaisen, and Demon Slayer have all done exceptionally well, and now Kaiju No. 8 will be getting its own adaptation.
The manga premiered July 3, 2020, and is nearing its 70th chapter. The story follows main protagonist Kafka Hibino, as he tries to join Japan’s defense force which battles Kaiju. Though Kafka fails his entrance exam multiple times, he gains the ability to transform into a humanoid Kaiju when a Kaiju enters his body and uses that power to join the defense force and fight alongside his comrades.
Kaiju No. 8: The Most Powerful Kaiju In The Manga (So Far)
Along with the announcement comes a video and key visual. Neither really offer much of anything visually as the video shows numerous places within Japan as the number 8 flashes in the middle of the screen, ending with a glimpse of a Kaiju in the distance destroying a city. The visual is just one of the many images seen in the video. It serves more as a teaser, with more detailed trailers likely to be made available;e down the road.
There is not much else to be said about the announcement itself as no further details were given. The manga has been running for quite some time and is extremely popular, so the anime is expected to do just as well. Shounen anime tend to be extremely popular and garner a lot of attention and this battle series should be no different, following in the footsteps of the series which came before it.
The animation studio that will be in charge of the project, cast, the release date, and most other details are still unknown. Toho Animation is the distributor of the series, but that’s about the