On Friday, the THQ Nordic Digital Showcase 2022 event featured reveals for over a dozen upcoming games. The upcoming releases were incredibly diverse, but standing out among the unique offerings was the announcement of Wreckreation. Developed by Three Fields Entertainment, Wreckreation is an open-world sandbox driving game. While Wreckreation is yet to receive a release date, THQ Nordic's confirmed it's planned for PlayStation and Xbox consoles, as well as PC.
Wreckreation is, at its heart, a racing game. It's not just a racing game, however. Wreckreation's foundation is a 400 square kilometer open-world map named the MixWorld. Every player will have their own MixWorld, within which they're able to «create, shape — and wreck.» This sandbox will allow players to drive and race as they please, creating races, stunts, and everything between as they please. Jumps, loops, half-pipes, and even moving obstacles can be placed across the world and even high into the sky.
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It would be quite lonely to create a Wreckreation map full of intense racing experiences and then not be able to share it with friends. That's why Three Fields Entertainment has built multiplayer into Wreckreation in multiple ways. Players will be able to race against each other, visit friends' and other creators' worlds, share designs, and more. There's even a leaderboard system for multiple different racing game modes, including Drift, Air, Near Miss, Stunt, Crash, and Time modes.
Three Fields Entertainment also wants to call attention to Wreckreation's customization options. Befitting a racing game,Wreckreation features 16 different music channels to listen to, which implies a solid amount
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