I watched a few hours of Worldless being played last night and didn't really register that it was turn-based. That's because it's a Metroidvania platformer and, when it is time for back-and-forth combat, you're not choosing attacks from a menu. Instead you're stringing together combos in real-time, then when your alotted attack time is over, you're parrying enemy assaults with rhythmic flair.
So, turn-based, yes, but with a twist. It's also out today.
In Worldless you play as some sort of cosmic entity, or possibly a collection of apostrophes and commas, exploring a beautiful, layered world rendered in shade of single colours. In its jumping and air-dashing, it's reminiscent of Gris or Ori. You then encounter other cosmic entities who can be fought in those turn-based fights. Lose the fight and there's no consequence, you can instantly try again; but win the fight and you absorb the enemy, in some sense, expanding your constellation of skills, in some sense.
"In some sense" because Worldless is mysterious. It's not immediately clear what you are or what you're doing or whether it's cool that you're absorbing these possibly benign beings. It looks spectacular, though, so you'll keep doing it anyway.
Katharine had a play of Worldless's demo earlier this year and was likewise impressed.
If that sounds like your idea of a good time, as it does mine, Worldless is on Steam now and will set you back £14.38/€18/$18. That demo is still available, too.
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